Top Thanksgiving Games For The Whole Family

After lots of food prepping and planning, Thanksgiving is finally here. While the turkey's cooking and you are whipping up your famous dessert recipes, the family is bound to get a little restless. So, we put together this entertaining list of Thanksgiving games to play with family keep them all busy:
Thankful Alphabet Game
This is a great game to play to express to everyone what you are most thankful for. Have each family member or friend share one thing they are thankful for, but there is a catch…it must start with the next letter of the alphabet starting with the letter A. Go around the table until the Alphabet is done and there you go; a fun game for the whole family.

Thanksgiving Family Feud
Family Feud is always a fun game to play with the whole family. Try fun Thanksgiving themed questions and answers. For the competitive families, whoever wins could receive a homemade turkey trophy and get bragging rights until next year’s Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt
This is no wild goose chase! Create a Thanksgiving-themed scavenger hunt for your kids right in your own backyard. If they manage to track down all of the items on the list, they will win a prize.

Turkey Tag
A game of tag is almost a necessity for a Thanksgiving get-together, and DIY turkey tag clothespins make it even more fun. Let the kids paint and decorate the clothespins to look like turkeys. Attach them to the back of their shirts, and they're ready for a fun game of tag. Don't just let all the kids have fun either. This is a great Thanksgiving game for the adults too.

These Thanksgiving Game ideas are sure to be a lasting holiday memory that the family can all enjoy together!