How to Properly Light Wedding Sparklers

How do I light sparklers for weddings? "What do I need to light them with?" Don’t Worry! Here’s how to add a SPARK to your wedding night.
Lighting the Sparklers:
Pick a location out of the wind to do the lighting. Do not use matches to light sparklers. Matches generally do not burn long enough to raise composition of the sparkler to its ignition point. Butane lighters, barbecue lighters, and propane torches can be used. The instant push-button type propane torches, if available is the quickest and best lighting method.

20 Inch or 36 Inch Sparklers
If you are using 20-inch or 36-inch sparklers at your wedding we suggest that you select 2-4 people to be your “designated lighters.” Pass out the sparklers to each person and line them up-down the sides of where the bride and groom are going to walk. In your order is a box of smaller 10-inch sparklers, these are much easier to light than a 20-inch or 36-inch wedding sparkler. What we suggest is you light one 10-inch sparkler using a lighter and touch it to your 20-inch or 36 inch sparkler, which will light them instantly. The designated lighters should then move down the line of people, touching their lit sparkles to your guest sparklers, lighting them instantly.

10 Inch Sparklers
If you are using 10-inch sparklers at your wedding we suggest that you select 2-4 people to be your “designated lighters.” Pass out 2 sparklers to each person (all 10-inch packages provide 2 sparklers per guest) and line them up down the sides of where the bride and groom are going to walk. What we suggest is lighting the designated lighter’s 10-inch sparklers. Once they have a lit sparkler they should move down the line of guests, touching their lit sparkler to one of your guests’ sparklers lighting them instantly. Due to the short burn time on 10-inch sparklers, your guests should be told to touch their lit sparkler to their unlit sparkler when the first one is almost done burning.

By learning how to light sparklers for weddings using this method, lighting your wedding sparklers will be a breeze and your photos will come out perfectly!