Add Some Games To Your Family's Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it’s time to start sipping hot chocolate, and enjoying all the leaves changing colors for the season. If you’re planning a Thanksgiving dinner or a family gathering, the entertaining family games for Thanksgiving below can help you have a little more fun with your family this season.
Jumbo Jenga:

If you’re ready upgrade from the classic tabletop version of Jenga to a jumbo version of the game, it’s not a hard project to start all you need is a few boards, a saw and some sandpaper. The first time this caught my eye I thought it looked kind of difficult, but in the end, it was worth the time. I fantasized of taking my Jumbo Jenga set to a quiet park on a fall day or playing it in my backyard over Thanksgiving brake. The good thing is that it was much easier than I expected. It’s the perfect activity that’s a hit with all ages of your guest. Just be wary of falling 2x4s!

I love how this set is painted pretty colors on the ends. It’s so easy you don’t even have to do much because most lumber yards and home improvement stores will cut the boards for you and to the length you want.
Yard Twister:
When I first came across this all I thought about was how much fun that it would be to play. But then I also thought “wouldn’t the paint damage my lawn?” Turns out no! If you use ground marking spray it doesn’t ruin your lawn and on a plus side, in a few weeks it grows out anyways.

You can make the board however big or small you would like. If you have a lot of people that would like to play just add more dots. Likewise, depending on who’s playing you can customize the size of the dots to your liking. Smaller dots are better for little hands and feet.
Turkey Tag:
This is a new game that is really good for family Thanksgiving dinners so all of the cousins can play together to pass the time and stay busy while all the food is cooking! It’s called Turkey Tag, or just Run, Turkey, Run! This is a perfect way to work off those extra Thanksgiving calories. Adults can play, too! Here are the rules and way to make the game.

I hope these Thanksgiving dinner games can give you a few things that you could add to your family gathering so you can add something new to your Holiday. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.